It seems a long time ago that I set out to eat my way around London’s butchers in search of the best T-bone steak. Along the way I’ve come across some fantastic butchers and explored some vibrant parts of London.
Below you can find my highlights, some key stats, an updated leader board as well as a map so you can see exactly where these butchers are.
The best T-Bone steak so far
The best T-bone steak was also one of the cheapest. Coming from W H Wellbeloved in Deptford at £22 per kg, aged for 5 weeks and from the Scottish belted Galloway breed, this was a fantastic steak.
The best T-bone – from W H Wellbeloved
The most expensive T-Bone steak so far
The most expensive steak was the second best T-Bone. The 4 1/2 week aged Wagyu T-Bone from Turner & George came in at £38.50 per kg, about £6 per kg more than the next most expensive butcher: Hill & Szork.
Pricey Wagyu T-Bone from Turner & George
The Steak porn prize:
The steak porn prize also goes to Turner & George. The Wagyu T-bone was huge, heavily marbled and simply gorgeous to look at.
The steak porn prize goes to Turner & George
The cheapest steak:
The cheapest T-bone steak (by a narrow margin) was from William Rose at £21.79. However, the price was no reflection on quality as William Rose is currently sitting at third on the leaderboard.